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Recently, we rescued two jaguars and four wolves from a private property where they were being kept in terrible conditions. Zoe, a beautiful 5-year-old male jaguar, has a fractured tooth that causes him a lot of pain when eating. Soul, a playful 4-year-old female jaguar, has injuries in her front legs due to a previous accident. These animals are now living at our animal center in Puerto Morelos, Quintana Roo, where they are receiving the medical care and attention they urgently need.

However, the space where they are living now is limited, and we do not have the full resources to provide them with a quality life. We urgently need your help to cover their basic needs, such as food, lodging, and ongoing veterinary care. Our goal is to build a spacious place where they can run, play, and receive the long-term medical care they require to recover from their ordeal. This is only the beginning, as we have a long way to go to bring them to an adequate state of health and later integrate them into a program for the preservation and conservation of the species.


Your donation will make a significant impact in the lives of these animals and the future of our environment. We need your help to ensure that these animals receive the ongoing veterinary care they need for their physical and emotional well-being, including treatment for Zoe's fractured tooth and Soul's injuries. Your contribution will go directly to cover their costs of food, lodging, and veterinary services.

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